Dermal Piercings look Great with Tattoos

Dermal Piercings are taking the piercing world by storm.

Now you can place a piercing most anywhere on the body

The most popular use of a dermal piercing has been to accent a tattoo

Snake Bite Piercing

Angela comments on her experience with the Snake Bite lip piercings "I never planned the lip rings I just decided to do it last minute & now I always get asked if it hurt. It did not its like a slight pinch than its over sorta like ripping off a band-aid."

Functionable Body Piercings

People are becoming creative with body piercings.

Here is a new use for a gauged earlobe

Women can easily tuck their cell phone into a purse, but men have to become creative with how to store their wallets, keys, cell phones & combs.

Yet another reason to find the smallest and lightest weight cell phone.

Maybe this will become as popular as the Earl piercing (bridge piercing), which you can attach your eyeglasses to each side of your nose bridge.

Bridge Piercing AKA Earl

A bridge piercing is done on the loose skin at the top of the nose, between the eyes.

Typically a straight barbell is used for this piercing, as it is a form of a surface piercing.

This is not a very painful piercing, but it must be maintained for success. Be diligent about cleaning this piercing and never touch it with dirty hands to improve your odds against rejection and infection.

The name "Earl" for the bridge piercing came from the first known person to get this piercing. His full name was Earl Van Aken

Nose Rings (literally the Ring) are Becoming Mainstream

You have seen an occasional full size ring being worn in a nostril piercing, but it use to be a small percentage of people that would wear the 360 degree ring.

We find that our customer base is starting to ask for a full ring much more frequently. Also, when walking among the public, there are more sightings of this nose jewelry.

In the way back machine (a year or so, lol) there was only the standard captive bead ring, but now there are better options.

The continuous ring is very desirable in the 14 karat white or yellow gold. You just push the gold to one side, put it on, and push it back into position.

Continuous rings also do come in steel. There is a small section of the ring that is removable and a bit tricky to put back into place. It's worth the effort to have a ring that looks like there is no ending point.

Dermal Piercing

Hand piercings are gaining in popularity, but should be considered carefully before getting one done.

As the hand is a very active spot on your body, it becomes more difficult for a piercing to heal and much more likely to become infected. There is also an increased chance of rejection.

You have to be diligent about cleaning the piercing and keeping it clean.

Be sure to stick with an area of your hand that will not interfere with your lifestyle, from writing to fishing to painting. You do not want to have the piercing be subject to constant rubbing and pressure.

Also, gloves can cause problems with hand piercings. Can you handle living in mittens?

Hand piercings can be a captive ring in the webbing of your fingers, a surface piercing, or a dermal piercing.

Industrial Piercing

Industrial PiercingAn industrial piercing (North America), sometimes called scaffold piercing (UK/IRL) or construction piercing, is any two pierced holes connected with a single straight piece of jewelry (compare to orbital piercing); however, it typically refers to a double perforation of the upper ear cartilage specifically. Two piercings are made, one fairly close to the head (anti-helix piercing) the second further down the cartilage, on the opposite side of the ear (helix piercing). A straight barbell is inserted through the first piercing from behind the ear, travels diagonally across the front of the upper cartilage, then goes through the second piercing, and is secured with a screw-on bead behind the second hole.

The piercings themselves are made with a sterile hollow piercing needle, usually 14g, and the barbell jewelry is worn during the healing period. Sometimes, a pair of captive bead rings (CBRs) are used instead, and are exchanged for a barbell after healing is complete. Although the use of CBRs often results in faster healing, proper alignment of the piercings is difficult when this technique is used. It can be pierced with a flexible plastic tube and swapped for the metal bar when it has healed. It can also be piercied with a 16g barbell. After that has healed it can then be switched to a 14g barbell. Industrials typically take anywhere from three months to one year to fully heal. Most people say that the first piercing does not hurt as bad as the second piercing. However, your results may vary.

Two or more of this type of piercing located on the same ear is typically referred to as a cage.

This industrial barbell was purchased from Pierce This 2! Check out our website to see our entire collection!

How to Properly fit a Belly Button Ring

How to Properly fit a Belly Button RingGetting a proper fit on a belly button ring has nothing to do with your body size, it has to do with the angle and depth of the actual piercing.

There are standards in the industry, but your Piercer may have to make adjustments for your navel type. Some Piercers may not work within the standards that are set in the industry, making it more difficult to find jewelry that will fit correctly.

The standards for a navel piercing are 14 gauge for the thickness of the barbell and 3/8" to 7/16" for the length barbell to be worn, once the piercing has healed.

Your piercer will use a longer curved barbell, or a ring for the initial piercing. This is to allow for swelling and to leave room for proper cleaning.

Once the piercing has healed enough to change the jewelry, normally 2 months, it is time to determine the correct size for your navel piercing.

Let's begin with the correct way to measure a curved barbell. With the top ball threaded all the way on, you are going to measure in a STRAIGHT line, not along the curve of the barbell. The two points will be:

#1- Where the top ball meets the barbell on the under side of the ball.(holding the barbell up and down, as if it's being worn).

#2- Where the bottom design, or ball, meets the barbell on the top side of the ball.

Measure in a Straight line from these two points. The two pionts will both be on the inside of the curve.

Metric Conversion: 5/16"=8mm, 3/8"=10mm, 7/16"=11mm, 1/2"=12mm, 9/16"=15mm.

Do not fit the curved barbell to have no barbell showing. You need to have some barbell displayed, as this allows air to the piercing and prevents the jewelry from trying to pull into the piercing. You should have about 1/4" of barbell showing.

You may need to experiment with a few sizes, to find your best fit. Here is the basic rule of thumb.

Shallow Piercings = 5/16" (8mm)

Standard Piercings = 3/8" (10mm) or 7/16" (11mm)

Deep Piercings = 1/2" (12mm)

Very deep Piercings = 9/16" (15mm)

Most shops only sell the standard length, because most manufactures only produce the one size. Our shop has a large selection of all lengths, because we manufacture many of our designs.

Upside Down Tongue Ring

Upside Down Tongue RingIf you choose a flat top tongue ring design, like the image, it will be a bit more challenging to put it in from the bottom up, but this can still be done.

Once you have the piece in upside down, you can use a threaded ball design on the top of the ring. This will allow for a top and bottom decorative end.

Body Piercings for All Ages

Body Piercings for All AgesPeople of all ages enjoy having body piercings.

We have requests from the very young (too young to care for a piercing properly) to the baby boomers and beyond.

Alberta stopped by our shop last week, visiting from Maine, and wanted to get a nostril piercing, also called a nose piercing.

As long as you are old enough to properly care for a body piercing, you should not let age be a factor in enjoying any of the different piercings available.

New Style Navel Piercing

New Style Navel Piercing
New Style Navel Piercing
New Style Navel PiercingBelly button piercing is very popular and interesting for once we have because it will enhance the sexy as hell ...

Body Piercing on Tongue Style

Body Piercing on Tongue Style
Body Piercing on Tongue Style
Body Piercing on Tongue Style

Body Piercing Style on Back

Body Piercing Style on Back
Body Piercing Style on Back
Body Piercing Style on Back

Full Body Piercing on Man

Full Body Piercing on Man
Full Body Piercing on Man

Piercing On Head and Ear

Piercing On Head and Ear
Piercing On Head and Ear
Piercing On Head and Ear
Piercing On Head and Ear
It's really brave of these people do piercing on her head was fantastic and interesting, and if you want to emulate these styles please see my blog and make sure you visit my blog every day because I will show examples of piercing which is fantastic for the copy ok ...

Piercing on Face

Piercing on Face
Piercing on FaceThis is a piercing on the face of a very extreme, if you want to follow your model like this please visit my blog continues ok ...

Extreme Piercing on Ear Hole

Extreme Piercing on Ear Hole

Nose Piercing Style India Girl

Nose Piercing Style India GirlEveryone must know that the women of India have piercings in her nose, because for them that's the symbol for a woman and will look more beautiful if any of his piercings ...

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